Frog Rate launches
We just launched the Frog Rate Calculator, a really simple mortgage and loan payment calculator that uses javascript to calculate and update rates in real time as the user types. Take it for a test spin yourself and let us know what you think. We plan to add some helpful resources and implement a few more features (depending on user feedback), but will try to keep the concept as simple as you see now. Feel free to share it or use it anytime you want to run some quick rate calculations.
Roman Said,
August 22, 2006 @ 10:43 pm
How in gods name have you created this wordpress skin so quick? That’s amazing! This rocks!
Bentley Said,
August 24, 2006 @ 10:05 am
I don’t see anything here that is different than typical calculators that are available all over the place. The rates are nebulous… I don’t get it and see no value. Please tell me what else there is to this, if anything.
markus Said,
August 24, 2006 @ 10:23 am
Good day, good sir! Is this Bentley Fonzworth? I daresay, old chap, point taken. I suppose I shall hurry myself to provide some extra features as promised, then. The calculator might not be fantastically well and it is certainly not fine by far, but you could say – it’s close to spectacular!
But seriously, I want to make the interest rates correspond to the actual rates, but it seems the financial industry hasn’t caught up to the times – there’s not a single RSS feed of rates out there that I can find to pull and update automatically. So I’m looking at other options. If you know anyplace that provides rates in XML format, I’d love to know.
Gamal Andrews Said,
September 6, 2007 @ 2:33 pm
I am just setting up a website for a small financial company and I really like you concept of the loan calc. Its perfect. One suggestion, can you add something like; “Other Charges”. You know loans do involve insurance and legal fees.
David Beckett Said,
September 30, 2008 @ 5:36 pm
Bentley doesn’t see the value. I do.
Having a calculator which allows ANY field to be changed, and which is this SIMPLE – is extremely helpful.
Most web based calculators are essentially a loan interview, and start by asking about monthly income and so on. They are helpful too, if the user has loads of information and wants to use it. Which I’d wager many folks aren’t. People who want accurate numbers should be communicating with a mortgage professional. Those who just want to work with the numbers and see how the other parameters change should learn a great deal from a tool this simple and easy to use.
I’d welcome a link to a more useful, simple calculator page, but I won’t be holding my breath waiting.
LJ Kindred Said,
January 12, 2009 @ 12:21 am
Great!! thanks
Any plans for a debt reduction calculator ?